Recognizing an alcohol problem is just the beginning. Whether you are dealing with a severe dependency or are a functioning alcoholic, Pathways Recovery Center is here to guide you through the fear and confusion alcoholism often creates, providing a transformative experience that significantly improves your life.
The first phase of alcoholism treatment is often supervised detoxification. Detoxing from alcohol can lead to severe, life-threatening symptoms like seizures and dehydration, making it dangerous to attempt alone. At Pathways Recovery Center, our experienced clinical and nursing staff monitor and implement medication-assisted detox, ensuring the safest and least painful detox experience.
Before starting the detox, it's beneficial to familiarize yourself with the journey ahead. Discover more about the duration and nature of alcohol cravings. Also, if you are considering quitting alcohol cold turkey, it's crucial to understand the risks and seek professional guidance.
After detox and medical stabilization, the intensive treatment for alcohol addiction begins in our serene, private facility. Here, patients undergo assessments to understand the contributing biological, social, and psychological factors to their addiction.
We recognize that recovery extends beyond the completion of the residential inpatient program. To help patients maintain long-term sobriety, we provide extensive post-treatment support and aftercare program. This includes:
If you or a loved one are struggling with alcoholism, don't hesitate to contact Pathways Recovery Center. Our alcohol rehabilitation program near Pasadena is designed to provide the support, treatment, and tools needed to reclaim your life from addiction. Contact us today to learn more about what we treat and how we can help begin your journey to a healthier, happier life.