Holistic Therapy

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If you are seeking treatment for substance use disorder (SUD), you likely want to become familiar with the variety of treatments available for healing and recovery. Therapeutic approaches can be broken down into two general categories: traditional therapy and holistic therapy.

Traditional Therapy vs. Holistic Therapy

Traditional therapies are conventional. They aim to treat specific aspects of SUD and co-occurring mental health disorders. Holistic therapies, on the other hand, aim to treat the whole person.

To establish sobriety that you can maintain in the long term, you will benefit from incorporating both types of therapy into your care. You will have the best chance at securing lasting healing by utilizing holistic therapies to complement your traditional treatments.

Understanding Traditional Therapy

Treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders have long relied on the use of traditional therapy modalities. Traditional therapies are evidence-based approaches that aim to treat the complex symptoms and lasting effects of SUD and mental illness. Some examples of traditional therapies include individual, group, and family therapy. Traditional treatment may also include the use of medications.

The National Insitute of Mental Health (NIMH) highlights a variety of traditional behavioral approaches. These approaches are often included in treatment programs for co-occurring SUD and mental health disorders. Some of these traditional approaches include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Contingency management (CM)

The Value of Holistic Therapy for Substance Abuse Treatment

There is an inherent need for traditional therapies for substance abuse treatment. However, the use of traditional treatments alone may not be enough for you to effectively sustain sobriety and recovery.

Traditional therapy focuses on helping you address and overcome specific symptoms of your SUD. Meanwhile, the goal of holistic therapy is to promote a whole person balance of your mind, body, and spirit. Nonetheless, holistic therapies are most effective when they are used in tandem with traditional treatment approaches.

Fosters Opportunities for Reflection & Self-Expression

The addiction recovery journey is undoubtedly complex. If you are seeking addiction treatment, the consequences of your substance abuse have likely been brought to light.

Effectively recovering from addiction involves more than just ceasing your substance use. You must engage in thorough self-reflection to address and overcome the lasting effects of your substance abuse. Likewise, you must discover a deeper meaning and purpose for your sobriety. You are also tasked to find joy in your new sober life. Holistic therapy can help you accomplish these tasks.

Additionally, as you progress through treatment, you will need to utilize a variety of outlets to better understand and express your thoughts and emotions. According to the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, holistic approaches “help patients develop a stronger sense of self-identity, self-esteem and self-confidence.”

Holistic therapy also provides opportunities for stress and emotional relief. Your ability to cope with stress can directly reduce your risk of relapse throughout recovery.

Individualizes Client Care

Treatment facilities like Pathways Recovery Center that utilize holistic therapy recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for addiction recovery. Individualized treatment often goes hand-in-hand with holistic approaches, as treatment can be tailored to your unique needs and goals. Likewise, there are numerous types of holistic therapies that you can incorporate into your treatment. Finding what works for you is essential.

Examples of Holistic Therapy

Before participating in a treatment program, it is important to understand what types of holistic therapies the program offers. Every treatment facility will differ in the types of therapies they specialize in. 

The following is a list of holistic therapies that may benefit you on your addiction recovery journey.

  • Art therapy
  • Breathwork
  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Yoga
  • Acupuncture
  • Reiki
  • Nutritional therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Sound therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Body-movement therapies
  • Fitness-related therapies

We offer many of these therapies at Pathways Recovery Center.

Holistic Therapy at Pathways Recovery Center

Pathways Recovery Center is a residential inpatient treatment facility. We are dedicated to helping you heal from the consequences and effects of SUD. Our goal is to provide you with the best evidence-based treatments for addiction. We have a small staff-to-client ratio to ensure that you can receive the intimate treatment that you need to recover.

Biopsychosocial Assessments

At Pathways, we utilize biopsychosocial assessments to help you identify specific problem areas in your life. These assessments will also help you recognize how these problem areas influence one another.

The biopsychosocial assessment is a holistic approach to treating addiction. It helps both you as well as our staff members address your unique needs throughout your treatment and recovery journey. Further, this holistic approach will also help you determine the underlying causes of your substance abuse. This enables Pathways to take a whole-person approach to your treatment.

Holistic Therapies

In addition to relying on traditional therapies in treatment, we also employ several holistic therapies to help you improve your overall well-being. Some of the specific holistic therapies we offer include:

  • Art therapy: To help you express your emotions and manage your stress.
  • Fitness and physical therapies: To help you feel stronger physically and to reduce any stored tension in your body.
  • Hiking therapies: To foster mental health benefits of the outdoors in combination with the physical empowerment of exercise.
  • Yoga and meditation: To provide you with nourishment for your overall well-being and strengthen your focus on your sobriety.

If you seek recovery from substance use disorder and its effects, consider incorporating holistic therapies into your treatment. Holistic therapy addresses whole-person healing: body, mind, and spirit. These therapies are most effective when they are used to complement traditional treatment approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or 12-Step support. At Pathways Recovery Center, we offer a number of holistic therapies including art therapy, fitness and physical therapies, hiking therapies, and yoga and meditation. We believe holistic therapies help improve your overall well-being and the quality of your treatment and recovery. To learn more about our residential treatment facility, or for more about the holistic therapies we offer, call us today at (888) 771-0966.

Clinically reviewed by 

Moses Nasser
Dr. Moses Nasser, a double board-certified physician in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine, with expertise in holistic healing, addiction medicine, and psychiatric care, holds an X-waiver to prescribe buprenorphine and has extensive experience in mindfulness-based customer service and medication-assisted treatment.

Start Your Journey Today!

Pathways Recovery Center Believes That Anyone Suffering From Addiction Can Recover And Experience The Joy Of Life Again. Join Us In Fighting Addiction One Person At A Time.
Call: 1 (888) 711 0966

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