Having a routine is very important for a healthy and productive life, and it can play an important role in recovery as well. When you're engaging in substance misuse, you might not have much of a routine or daily structure at all. Perhaps on days off, you tend to stay up late partying only to sleep away the next day and struggle to get much done. While this can begin as something that is just occasional, it can quickly turn into a harmful pattern.
It is easy to get stuck into old negative habits while engaging in substance misuse. But when you begin your new recovery journey, you can make positive changes to live a happier and healthier life. Having a healthy daily routine can help prevent relapse and allow you to protect your sobriety. This can involve planning and persistence, but it will definitely pay off in the long run.
Developing a good daily routine is an important life skill to learn in recovery. It is something that we work with our clients to build while they're in our care at Pathways Recovery Center. Part of why having a routine is so important is because it can help you achieve success, both personally and professionally, after completing your initial treatment. It can help better ensure that you're doing things every day to accomplish your goals.
Consider what goals you have for yourself as you begin your new sober life. Maybe you want to further your education or begin a new career. Maintaining a good routine can help ensure you accomplish these things. A good routine provides the perfect groundwork for making the most out of each and every day.
At Pathways Recovery Center, we want to help our clients live a passionate life. If you've been struggling with substance misuse for an extended period of time, you may have begun to lose sight of things that you were once passionate about. Maybe these passions are things you dreamt about as a child but were overshadowed by substance misuse.
As you begin your recovery journey, it is important that you rediscover those passions once more. Having a daily routine can help ensure that you have time to do this.
When you stop engaging in substance misuse, you may be surprised by how much more time you have on your hands. While establishing a new routine, you can figure out how you want to spend this new gift of extra time. Maybe you want to pursue your passion for art or try to get into your dream college. A routine helps ensure that you have time to pursue the things that matter to you most.
When creating a new healthy routine, you want to take a look at the time you have throughout the day and determine the best ways to spend it. Start by determining what your set priorities are each day and what time frames will be dedicated to these things. For a lot of people, this is probably a shift at work or a class for school. These could be things that may not be as flexible when it comes to time.
After that, you can focus on incorporating time throughout the day for things that are most important for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. This could include set times for meals, breaks, or movement, such as workouts. These times may also include when you're going to spend quality time with family or friends without distractions.
Adjusting to a new routine can be challenging at first. You may experience some growing pains and trouble adjusting. But give it time and do your best to stick to it as much as possible. The longer you continue with the routine, the more naturally it will come and the less you'll have to think about it.
Don't be afraid to make adjustments to your routine along the way. For example, maybe as time goes on you discover that you have more energy at the beginning of the day than at the end, or vice versa. You can then shift different priorities that will require the most energy and focus as needed. This way, you'll be able to give your all to the most important tasks of the day and more likely to avoid burnout.
Keeping a regular sleep schedule can also help you stick to your routine. This involves going to bed each night and waking up each morning at the same time. A sleep schedule improves your overall sleep quality. It will also help ensure that you start your day feeling rested and rejuvenated.
Having a routine can make a drastic difference in your life. It can help improve your mental health by preventing problems like anxiety and depression. A routine helps ensure that you are living each day to the fullest and not being wasteful with your time. If you're currently struggling with a substance use disorder, it is time to start recognizing the precious gift of time. In recovery, you can begin spending your time in a more valuable way. To learn more about beginning this journey, give our team at Pathways Recovery Center a call today at (888) 771-0966. A member of our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.